Yaoguo Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Company participation in projects

Jiangxi Yaoguo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was formed by a team of returned doctors, focusing on the biomedical health industry, and the main projects involved are as follows. 

In 2019, the company's team led the important task of completing the "Xiongan New Area 2020-2035 Modern Life Science and Biotechnology Industry Development Plan", with the ability to grasp the technical route of industrial development, first-class talent and team discovery organization. 

In 2020, the company participated in investing in the project of "New Technology and New Approach of New Immune Cell Therapy for Tumor" proposed by Jiangxi Beike Organization, which was declared as one of the "2020 Major Scientific Issues and Engineering Technology Problems" and ranked first in the "2020 Top Ten Engineering Technology Problems", and was prospectively recognized and supported by the state. The project has the ability of integration of bio-information (bio-information based on big data and artificial intelligence), bio-pharmaceutical (bio-medicine) and medical engineering (medical engineering). 

The company has also invested in and is deeply involved in several biomedical high-tech projects:

1. Zhongke Rongxin (Suzhou) Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.(A sugar bioengineering project industrialized by the team of Institute of Process Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Dalian Institute of Chemical Technology, hereinafter referred to as "Zhongke Rongxin"),Has grown into a global supplier of core chitosan raw materials. 

2. Jiangxi Beike Union Biotech Co.,Ltd(hereinafter "Jiangxi Beike") The project has received an investment of 40 million RMB and built a comprehensive cell bank and regional cell preparation center covering an area of more than 4,000 square meters, which is the only one in Jiangxi Province with a joint approval signed by the Development and Reform Commission, the Health and Welfare Commission, the Drug Administration and the Market Technology Supervision Bureau, and has developed into an innovative enterprise with high-end technology, new services and emerging business models within the life and health industry.

It is preparing to build a cell industry center in Nanchang, covering an area of 95 acres with a total construction area of 158,000 square meters; it is also involved in the construction of the Jiangxi Biological Cell Therapy Center and the Biosafety Level 3 (P3) Laboratory.